PowerTip: Finding 10 Largest Files

Can be usefull for PowerSlim tests. For instance, in the !|Query: PowerShell|…| Re-Posted. You can find the original here. You may need to find the largest files for possible clean-up when free space on a drive runs low. One way is to have PowerShell examine all file sizes, sort by file size descending, and thenContinue reading “PowerTip: Finding 10 Largest Files”

Fitnesse and Network address translation

I have long been using Fitnesse. It is great framework for the Acceptance Testing. There are two approach available right now in the Fitnesse. One is the original FIT approach. And the new one – SLIM. No questions, SLIM is the best way to move forward. Only one thing prevent me to sleeping quietly isContinue reading “Fitnesse and Network address translation”

PowerSlim 0.2 available!

I am pleased to announce the PowerSlim 0.2. The main feature of this release is Windows Setup which installs all you need to start doing Acceptance Testing with PowerSlim just in couple of minutes. The Green Demo Suite will start at the end of the setup process. There will be more soon, stay tuned! http://powerslim.codeplex.com/

HOWTO SETUP PowerSlim Step by Step

This instruction is depricated. Use http://vlasenko.org/2011/01/31/how-to-start-with-powerslim/ instead. There is the setup package available from the powerSlim 0.2. It will install all you need (Fitnesse, IronPython, WaferSlim, PowerSlim) to the C:\PowerSlim folder. Use it to get the idea how to setup PowerSlim. Later you can use your own installation of the Fitnesse and/or IronPython. Please be sureContinue reading “HOWTO SETUP PowerSlim Step by Step”

ESXi creating virtual disk from the command line

It is usefull if you are going to create a Windows Cluster. In that case you have to create a quorum disk. enable remote console access to your ESXi host start putty go to your datastore (e.g. cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore1) mkdir CLUSTER cd CLUSTER vmkfstools –c 4G –d eagerzeroedthick –a lsilogic quorum.vmdk

ESXi remote console access

UPDATE (March 16, 2011):There is no need in this trick starting from the ESXi 4.1. You can configure it. got to your VMware ESXi host press Alt-F1 then type “UNSUPPORTED” and press <enter> login with your root login and password edit the inetd.conf file by typing “vi /etc/inetd.conf“ remove the comment # in front ofContinue reading “ESXi remote console access”

The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

For a Windows service, you can increase the default time-out setting to allow for the service to start. To do this, follow these steps: Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. Locate the following registry subkey:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. Type ServicesPipeTimeout, andContinue reading “The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.”