Howto disable hotlinking for your AWS S3 resources

It is good idea to serve static content (e.g. images, video, …., not a JavaScript files) on AWS S3 instead of from your AWS EC2 server. In this case you reduce the workload on your web application. The problem is that AWS S3 resources are not available for public by default. The simple stupid solutionContinue reading “Howto disable hotlinking for your AWS S3 resources”

Amazon RDS Now Supports T2 Instances

That is good news. T2 instances CPU credits is really great feature introduced 2 months ago for EC2. Amazon RDS Now Supports T2 Instances At the same time the price for T2 RDS instances is twice less then for the previous generation. T2.micro EC2 + T2.micro RDS are good if you are thinking about web appContinue reading “Amazon RDS Now Supports T2 Instances”

From Evolution to Inevitolution by Dmitri Dozortsev

Originally posted on Fertility Conundrums … Civilization development is driven by scientific discoveries which have to inevitably happen. One human being has very little value for this inevitability: individual human’s only intrinsic inevitable quality is death. As number of humans was small, it was taking a long time from one discovery to another. For example, it took thousands ofContinue reading “From Evolution to Inevitolution by Dmitri Dozortsev”